How To Transition From Selling Agent To Buyer’s Agent

I was a selling agent for 12 years before I became a buyer's agent in 2014. 

Thinking about making the move from Seller’s Agent to Buyer’s Agent?

I’m often asked what steps are needed if one decides to make the move from being a Seller’s Agent to becoming a Buyer’s Agent.

The Buyer’s Advocacy industry in Australia is growing at a rapid rate and like me, more and more women in the industry are deciding to make the move into this emerging and lucrative career opportunity.

Having made the leap myself almost a decade ago, I can share some valuable insights on what I learned during the process.

If you decide to make the move, I believe you have three options —

  1. Work for an already established Buyer’s Agency you respect and learn how they do things.

  2. Get a real estate mentor who knows the Buyer’s Agent industry well and learn from them. Hey! I might know someone ;)

  3. Enrol in my Buyer’s Agent Blueprint - an online program that teaches you all the systems and processes needed to become your own independent buyer’s agent.

Below is a recap of my journey from Seller’s Agent to Buyer’s Agent:


  1. I was offered a Buyer’s Agent position with an already established agency. Since I already had a considerable amount of real estate selling and industry experience, I was hired for the role of Buyer’s Agent ahead of 5 other applicants who had applied. According to my boss - having this prior experience was the reason I was chosen for the job.


  2. I spent just over 12 months at the agency, learning how they managed the buying process for clients. I learned a heck of a lot in the time I was with the agency, and I also organically built my contacts during this time. I met a lot of local real estate agents and was able to establish good rapport and cement these relationships, which have proved invaluable to my career over time.

    It took me around 3-4 months to fully transition from being a selling agent to a buyer’s agent.

    Ultimately, it’s the same-same, but different.

    Essentially, you have to switch your mindset from that of “selling” the property, to “analysing” properties you find, and helping your client to decide whether a particular property is suitable for them.

    You will learn to provide your client with a short-list of properties from all the available stock (and possibly off-market stock) and your knowledge of the overall market will be far greater because you need to have a more holistic view so you can offer the right advice.

    You will also walk away from more properties rather than convince your client to buy them.

    This was one of my biggest takeaways about being a Buyer’s Agent.

    As a sales agent, it’s all about getting a buyer to commit to buy your listing. As a Buyer’s Agent, your role (as well as facilitating the practical steps of the buying process) is more of an advisory sounding board and support figure. You need to be able to back up your recommendations with accurate statistics and due diligence reporting, which I found super interesting once I learned how to do it.


  3. I realised there was a huge values misalignment with the agency I was working for and decided it was best I start my own business.

    Working for the agency was a crucial stepping stone in my career, and to be honest, my original plan was always to stay with the agency long-term. But having worked for myself for many years prior made working for someone else a real challenge and I soon realised that my values were not the same as the company whom I was working for, and so we parted ways, leaving me with an exciting (yet scary) opportunity to go out on my own (albeit for the third time in my property career!)


  4. I became my own independent agent, operating under my personal brand - Wendy Russell Buyer’s Agent. I handed in my resignation and became my own independent agent, working from my home office (and the local coffee shop).

    If you’re curious to learn how I got things off the ground in the first month - this post details it for you - A Breakdown of My First Month in Business as an Independent Buyer’s Agent.


  5. I had my first 6-figure year, in year 1 of the business. Going out on my own was a risk, but it paid off. Each year for the first 7 years, my income increased year on year, reaching a peak of over $700,000 during the Covid boom period. Choosing to operate as an independent and seeing my business as a Lifestyle Business meant my overheads were (and still are) incredibly low, so most of what I earn from professional fees goes straight into my pocket (outside of tax).

How I can help you become a Buyer’s Agent.

If you’re ready to become a Buyer’s Agent — or go out on your own like I did, I can help.

I understand it can be incredibly scary to leave the security of a salaried role, but believe me - once you take the leap of faith, you never look back! I went from strength to strength and my income only grew as the years went by, and now, I’m passionate about helping others earn six figure incomes as their own independent agent.

Explore my courses for real estate agents and buyer’s agents :

The WENDYRUSSELL Buyer’s Agent Blueprint - learn the systems, processes and skillset to become an independent buyer’s agent.

Masterclass for Women in Real Estate - The Polished Professional - level-up to become an in-demand agent who attracts A-class clientele.


Hi. I’m Wendy.

I’m a storytelling writer, champagne lover and Luxury Buyer’s Agent based in Brisbane Australia. I share my journey as an independent real estate professional and self-made career woman.

My story >


Wendy Russell is a Luxury Buyer’s Agent, social introvert and self-made career woman on a mission to help you build your empire. It starts here.

Buyers Agent Blueprint Course


Rising Professional Podcast Wendy Russell


How to build a profitable service-based business.

MASTERCLASS for Women in Real Estate | step into your power as a high-value agent.


What the participants are saying …

Lina Paselli-Kruse | LPK Luxury Home Hosting

“Your mentoring has been absolutely outstanding. Together with The Polished Professional Masterclass, I definitely have all the tools, confidence and good practices in place to deliver new services to investors wanting to dive into the Darwin region property market. Thank you. You are truly amazing, super professional, fun and such an inspiration.”

Sarah Treen | Central Buyers Agents

“The Polished Professional Masterclass has helped me grow on a business and personal level. I really enjoyed the weekly release of the classes and workbooks. It was great as I could complete it anywhere in the world. I have implemented my learnings and did so from day 1 of the course. I use the tools daily that have been provided and I highly recommend it to other women in the industry.”

Wendy Russell

Wendy Russell writes about Property, Wealth and Success. She is a self-made woman and Independent Buyer’s Advocate based in Brisbane Australia, representing busy professionals in luxury home purchases.

Breakdown Of My First Month In Business As An Independent Buyer’s Agent


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