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Why Every Agent Needs A Personal Brand

Is it time to launch (or refresh) your personal brand?

Everywhere you turn, professional women are stepping out as the face of their business via a carefully curated visual identity we have come to know as personal branding.

(And I’m all for it by the way!)

When creating a personal brand, most of us liken the process to simply the identity part - how things look. But the true power of brand extends well beyond getting the look, feel and colour palette right.

It is how these elements are communicated alongside values and ethos that will determine the success of the brand and the person behind it.

The question is… is it all worth it?

Personal Branding and real estate.

Personal branding has become an all-time buzz-word in business circles worldwide and now more than ever, career focussed women are turning to branding agencies to help them curate a personal brand they can be proud of and showcase to the world.

But is it really worth the time (and money) investment?

Investing in a personal brand is exactly that - an investment in You.

It demonstrates your commitment to what you do and your offering as an individual human being, whilst building trust within your audience and community - whether they are your clients, co-workers, current employer, future employer or potential clients. These people matter and you never know just who is watching (and judging from a-far).

A strategically positioned personal brand could be your ticket to that next big client or career move.

I believe all professional women who are serious about their career should invest in their personal brand, even if you don’t operate your own business.

Remember, it’s an investment in you.

Taking the time to understand who you are as a professional, what you stand for and how you want to be perceived in your field of expertise is an investment that I guarantee will pay dividends - both emotionally and financially.

Package and execute all of this strategically and watch your confidence (and possibly your client list) soar.

You’ll be surprised at how many new doors begin to open when you start to put yourself out there purposefully and professionally.


My own personal brand has evolved over the years and I can honestly attribute a fair chunk of my success as Wendy Russell Buyer’s Agent, to that of creating an honest, authentic and consistent personal brand - one that has attracted my ideal clients from all around the world.

The guidelines I set for my personal brand.

I’m no branding expert, but there are a few guidelines I have religiously stuck to over the years to ensure my personal brand is consistently building equity and attracting my ideal client.

The following 4 criteria have undoubtedly played a part in the success of my personal brand and business to date.

1 / Consistency

It takes around 3 months of consistent messaging to set a tone for your brand. You need to show up to your audience in a regular and consistent manner so they can form an idea of who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer. This needs to happen before any amount of trust can be established. Note to self - consistency is key!

2 / Authenticity

You need to be real. You need to be You. Sounds simple right? Just like the word “brand”, the term “authenticity” also falls into the buzz-word category, but again, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is for a personal brand to be an authentic representation of the person behind it. Most people can see straight through a person who is trying to be someone they are not. So don’t be a copy-cat just because you like the look of someone else’s brand. It isn’t You. Inauthenticity stands out like a sore thumb in today’s world and people can spot a copy quickly, so be sure to show up and align your brand image and personality with the real You.

3 / Clear Message

A personal brand needs to establish a tone and a clear message. What do you want your target market to know about you? What do you stand for and how can you communicate this clearly? What is your particular style? Are you sharp and to the point, or more of a conversationalist in your messaging?

4 / Aesthetic

Finally, you need to assign a colour palette and develop a style guide for your brand. Copious amounts of research has been undertaken in an attempt to understand how different types of people emotionally engage with certain colours but to keep it simple in the beginning, I chose colours and a style based on my own preferences. Whether this was the right move or not is debatable by the experts but I think what was more important was making sure I used the colours consistently across all of my social accounts and branding touch points.

How I can help you create a personal brand that attracts your ideal clients.

This post merely scratches the surface of the power behind personal branding, and when done right, how it can leverage you as a professional, but I know one thing’s for sure - if you’re going to build a career in real estate - having a strong personal brand is high up there on the must-do list.

You can learn more about personal branding for real estate agents in my Masterclass for Women in Real Estate. This course, along with the Buyer’s Agent Blueprint (specifically for Buyer’s Agents) explains step by step how to create and position your personal brand so you attract the right clients and reflect a professional image that is authentic to You.

Courses for real estate agents and buyer’s agents :

Masterclass for Women in Real Estate - The Polished Professional - level-up to become an in-demand agent who attracts A-class clientele.

The WENDYRUSSELL Buyer’s Agent Blueprint - learn the systems, processes and skillset to become an independent buyer’s agent.


Wendy Russell is a Luxury Buyer’s Agent, social introvert and self-made career woman on a mission to help you build your empire. It starts here.

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